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Welcome from the Headteacher
Estyn Inspection, February 2017 (Excellent/Excellent).
Curricular provision is a significant strength of the school. The school provides an extensive range of learning experiences that meets the needs of all pupils exceptionally well. This has a substantial impact on pupil standards and wellbeing.
The school is a highly inclusive and caring community. It provides outstanding support for pupils’ wellbeing, which contributes considerably to pupils’ high standards and strong spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
Raising achievement: Raising achievement of all pupils at Fitzalan is a top priority. We aim to be one of the top achieving schools in Wales. Our KS4 Level 2 threshold target for 2024 is 90%, level 2+ target is 75% and our A* - A grade target is 35%. We expect all KS3 and 4 indicators and subjects to be in the first quartile for academic performance. The Sixth Form is large and successful and our targets are 100% A* - E, 93% A* - C, and 40% A* - A.
Data analysis plays a vital part in monitoring attainment with an emphasis on pupil progress within and between each Key Stage. Through effective self-evaluation and improvement planning we set a small number of key objectives related to pupil outcomes, progress, improvement in teaching and skills development, Restorative Approaches and creating a full sense of belonging.
Teaching and Learning: Outstanding teaching and learning is our priority. We have a robust system of quality assurance, led by individual departments to develop consistently high quality teaching and learning across all lessons.
By involving pupils in the planning and delivery of learning, we aim to ensure that lesson plans are responsive to the needs of pupils and ensure that they make progress in every lesson. All departments also focus on responding to pupils’ needs within lessons so that every pupil has the opportunity to reach their full potential.
High quality professional learning is a feature of our school and Fitzalan regularly supports other schools to improve and develop. Fitzalan is also an NQT base school for the region.
Curriculum: In Fitzalan, curriculum provision is designed to be flexible, challenging and to realise the four purposes. A literacy focus is embedded into the timetable. Our curriculum structure is tailored to meet pupil needs with distinct groups to support the most able pupils, pupils who need Nurture or Thrive support, and those with ALN.
In Key Stages 4 and 5 a wide variety of options are available. Early entry in core subjects is available for the most able pupils.
Culture and Ethos: Strong relationships are integral to success for pupils at Fitzalan and we adopt a restorative approach across the school to embed positive relationships between pupils and staff, and a feeling of belonging for all staff and pupils.