
Curriculum Overview

The school curriculum is balanced, broadly based and promotes the academic spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at school, whilst preparing pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life. It follows WG guidelines regarding the Curriculum for Wales and 14-19 provision, and prepares pupils for success in externally verified qualifications in years 10 and 11, and years 12 and 13. 

In years 7, 8 and 9, subjects include English, Welsh, modern foreign languages, mathematics, science, design and technology, digital literacy, history, geography, art and design, music, RVE (religion, values and ethics), skills, drama and physical education. At the end of year 8, we provide pupils with the opportunity to deepen their understanding and broaden their skills by opting for the creative subjects that best interest them. In years 10 and 11, pupils follow a core curriculum consisting of English, Welsh, mathematics, science, RVE, skills challenge and physical education.  In addition to the core subjects, pupils are offered a wide variety of option subjects. Pupils in years 10-11 and years 12-13 follow the pathway most suited to their academic ability.   

We are committed to embedding the Curriculum for Wales by delivering a well-sequenced and coherent curriculum that ensures pupils cultivate both breadth and depth of knowledge, whilst developing the skills that enable them to flourish.  Our well-planned curriculum encourages pupils to deepen their knowledge and understanding by making links within and across the six Areas of Learning and Experiences (Health and Wellbeing, Languages, Literacy and Communication, Humanities, Science and Technology, Maths and Numeracy and Expressive Arts). 

Year 10-11 options include: 

Art & design; business; child development; citizenship; community languages; Cymraeg; drama; engineering; English; film studies; food and nutrition; French; geography;  history; ICT; Latin; mathematics; media; music; photography; physical education; product design; religious studies; science; sociology;  BTEC engineering BTEC extended certificate in enterprise skills; BTEC extended certificate in music for practical performance; BTEC science; BTEC extended certificate in enterprise skills; BTEC sport; BTEC travel & tourism; personal finance; Prince's Trust. 

All pupils in years 10 and 11 study for the Skills Challenge qualification.  

Year 12-13 options include: 

Level 3 courses: Art & design; biology; business; chemistry; Cymraeg; computer science; drama; English; film studies; French; geography; government & politics; health & social care; history; information & communication technology; maths and further maths. media; music; product design; physical education; physics; psychology; religious studies; sociology; BTEC Level 3 National Foundation Diploma in Music; BTEC ICT; BTEC science; BTEC sport; Certificate in Food Science and Nutrition;  Applied Extended Certificate in Business. 

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