
News Blog

Posted on: 24/06/2024

Gold Practice Expedition

We all really enjoyed our practice expedition and feel like we have gained so much knowledge from it that we will be sure to use in our final expedition. We started our walk from Dan yr Ogof and finished at Llangorse Lake.

With the help of Morgan and Jaz from Storey Arms we realised how useful approximating time can be and developed a far greater understanding of how to recognise features on a map. We also enjoyed getting to learn new plants whilst on the expedition- particularly the edible ones!

Over the year we have also helped out at with the bronze and silver groups preparing them for their expeditions whilst refining our leadership skills. Evan and Paluck passed on their joint knowledge of how to pack the lightest rucksack (something they wished they had known a lot sooner!). Millie taught groups how to put up their tents and cook their own meals using the stoves- something most of the year 10s had never done before.

The practice expedition and the time put in preparing for it has definitely brought us together and we are really excited to complete our final gold walk next year.

Written by Mr A Waggett
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