
News Blog

Posted on: 14/10/2024

National Poetry Day

National Poetry Day

On October 4th, Years 7, 8 and 9 celebrated National Poetry Day in their English lessons. This year’s theme was ‘counting’ and pupils completed activities based on a poem called ‘One’ by James Berry and a poem called ‘Total’ by Anna Gilmore. These poems focus on how we are all unique, how there is only one of us and how nobody can be exactly the same as us. We talked about how we can not be ‘totalled’ up and reduced to a ‘number’. 

These poems inspired our pupils’ creativity and they then wrote their own ‘One’ and ‘Total’ poems which were entered into our poetry writing competition. These poems celebrated the joy and pride they have in being ‘themselves’. 

The winner of the 'One' poem was Azmila Aslam in 7TMI with Theo Mpezeni Jere 8MCO and Yasavini Adusupalli 7ASM in second and third place. The winner of the 'Total' poem was Ruby Clifford 8EWG with Eshaal Farooq 9AJO in second place and Sakina Ali 8MFL and Zakir Khan in 9RJO in joint third place. Well done to the winners and everyone who took part!

Please have a read of some of the pupils’ work; we have some talented poets at Fitzalan! 


Written by Mrs L Allan
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